Thursday, September 10, 2009

Getting Started...

So, as a Cat, I've decided that the world needs to know all my thoughts. Because I'm me. And I'm important. I matter. I'm Steve. I'm not actually sure that anything else exists besides me but I'm willing to take the chance because if there is someone else, that means they get to hear about me.
I named this blog after my owner Lucas (hereafter referred as Tall Guy), as a response to his mostly facetious and fictitious blog about me. All of it's true, though. For the most part anyway. I don't have to be clear. I'm me. Steve. I can do what I want.
I couldn't think of a better subject for Tall Guy to blog about than me. He also blogs about Shorter Guy, too, but Shorter guy doesn't matter that much to me.
So I guess I should let you know a little bit about me.
- I love to be petted.
- I love biting anything that tries to pet me.
- I love drinking running water out of any type of faucet, and I will often stop right in the middle of what I'm doing if I think I hear a faucet running anywhere in the hou

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